Catch a lover butt
Catch a lover butt

catch a lover butt

Unfortunately, a good number of guys seem to have a flat butt or nearly no butt at all. If you don’t, then the lady in your life is surely missing out. In the meantime, for all you women out there who are eager for some eye-candy – check out a little collection I put together of hot butts on guys for your appreciation.Įspecially after checking out researching ( for science!) all these butts, I am really feeling that it is a definite shame for a guy not to work out his glutes. So guys, get your ass to the gym and start building a better butt NOW! We women want to start reaping some of the benefits too…. Clearly, Guys Need to Work on Creating a Better Butt Too. You can view all the comments on Reddit, here. Methinks I may have to arrange to see the Captain America movie now. Of course, not all women focus much on the male butt, but check out some of the responses below from women who do, from a forum post where women were asked if they liked men’s butts. I thought I’d compile some evidence from the internet to try and prove to you once and for all just how important the male butt can be! Very entertaining (but for the record I wouldn’t recommend trying this one on someone you don’t know). They are also nice to smack (lol) and observe the subsequent reaction. It was a scientific process, but nonetheless quite enjoyable and yes, there was some drooling. In case you’re wondering, yes I did very much enjoy sourcing appropriate pictures for this post. now that is a nice butt! photo credit (cropped): Tymtoi via photopin cc photo credit (cropped): Tymtoi via photopin ccĮye candy alert…. Theres some nice things going on in these brown pants. Workin’ the jeans, not a bad butt! photo credit: HotlantaVoyeur via photopin cc photo credit (cropped): Tymtoi via photopin cc Guy’s butts are just awesome to look at when they’re good! Case in point: “I love a man in uniform” When cheesy lines make sense. So when I see a guy with a bit more shape and definition in their behind, I can’t help but spend a little time checking them out. I would not think twice about this butt and am decidedly neutral on this one. Now, the above image giving a sense of not-much-going-on-in-the-buttock-region may well be because of a poor choice of jeans which flatter the butt.īut there are other examples of men with a flat or non-existent butt: This butt is not bad, for sure, but it’s not jumping out at me or anything, either. I don’t pretend to understand what makes it so, but if you find a guy with a nice butt, I have observed the following to be true about their butts:Ī bit of shape is what I tend to appreciate about a guy’s butt.įor instance, most males seem to have a flat butt with not much shape or definition down there, for example: Where are the glutes at here?! Instead of subjecting you to some no-doubt low grade poetry, I’ll just give you a bit of insight into my own experiences with checking out the male physique. Nice butt on a guy = definite bonus.Īllow me to begin with my Ode to the male butt: Now, I’m not one to objectify a guy, and I don’t often put too much attention on physique – but I have to say that on the odd occasion I have noticed that a guy has a nice butt, I usually can’t stop myself from sneaking glances a good deal of the time.įor me, if a guy has a sub-standard butt, it’s not a big deal, but it can be a bit of a letdown. In general, I wouldn’t say that women love men’s butts as much as men seem to love women’s butts, but as with anything there are a wide variety of preferences out there, and I’m sure there are women out there who absolutely adore the male butt.įrom what I have seen and experienced myself, I would have to say yes, women can and do like men’s butts.

catch a lover butt

However, for the guys – did you know that women also can appreciate a good butt on a man? Women Love Men’s Butts Too! But do women like men’s butts just as much?Īlright, so I know that the majority of material I post is mostly targeted towards the ladies, but that’s because it is mostly us women who are seeking to get a bootylicious butt! photo credit (cropped): Tymtoi via flikr ccīutts.

catch a lover butt

We all know that most men love women’s Dayyaamnn…. With all the focus on butts on this site, I thought it would be downright foolish – rude even! – not to answer this question.

Catch a lover butt